The safest, combat proven, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle laser interceptor.
OptiDefense was founded in 2018. The company develops, electro-optical systems based on high power lasers to intercept low-altitude aerial threats.
The company demonstrated a unique laser-based technology in the summer of 2018. A patent application has been approved.
Laser safety for bystanders is the primary design goal for OptiDefense’s systems.

The Threat
UAVs have reached maturity and low
cost, with a significant increase in the distribution of drones. In recent years, drones, and UAVs have developed autonomous flight capabilities.
Simultaneously, a variety of threats
posed by drones have been developed,
for example surveillance and espionage, flying in prohibited areas, carrying weapons for terrorist purposes, interfering with airports, etc.
Urgent need: effective laser-based anti-drone system suitable for homeland security applications

A laser-based security system designed for intercepting drones near crowded civilian areas and in homeland security scenarios.
The company's product family is suitable for different applications.

Laser Safety
Safe operation with a minimal hazard footprint, and regulatory tolerance for additional aircraft in the airspace is a key point in the Light Blade system.
In case innocent bystanders are caught in the laser path, the damage would be exceptionally minimal, if at all.

Maximum safety in an urban environment
Multiple interceptions and high coverage
Day and night capabilities
Mobile or static system
Cost-effective operation
Combat proven
Patented technology